Sunday, June 2, 2024

An Opportunity or Two



      My wife, Mandy, and I made the decision to shift to homeschooling our children fifteen years ago. In that time, two of our children have finished high school. Though I have helped her in that she has borne the lion’s share of the responsibility. Along the way, we have used a variety of curriculums but the one Mandy finds the most versatile and well-rounded is BJU Press Homeschool. From her perspective, it is well-designed, academically solid, user friendly, and functions well with multiple children or grade levels. She also specifically cites in its favor the fact it uses the KJV and develops a biblical worldview in the student.

          Recently, Mandy made the decision to become a consultant for Homeworks by Precept, the organization that distributes BJU Press Homeschool. As she says in her bio, “I was helped more than ten years ago at a BJU Press Homeschool booth by a caring and knowledgeable consultant, and I hope to be that for you.”

          If you would like to reach out to her to discuss homeschooling in general and curriculum in particular, you can find her email and text contact information here:

          On an unrelated note, one of the lesser known aspects of Brennan’s Pen is Brennan’s Pulpit. I do not stream our church services, but I do make each of my sermons available to anyone who is interested in them. This week, I am beginning a new Wednesday night series entitled, “Character is King.” Godly Christian character is disappearing rapidly in our generation, but it is an absolute essential if you are going to build a solid, successful, stable Christian life. Some of the related subjects we will consider is what character is, character and reputation, character and emotion, character and accountability, and how to build godly character. We will discuss what the Bible teaches about specific character traits such as compassion, loyalty, consistency, responsibility, stability, courage, perseverance, gratitude, excellence, patriotism, gentleness, diligence, cheerfulness, purity, toughness, duty, frugality, generosity, contentment, humility, respect, fairness, and the work ethic.

          If you are already a subscriber to Brennan’s Pulpit you do not need to do anything; you will receive these messages as you normally do. If you are not a subscriber but you would like to become one simply reply to this email or send me a direct message on social media and asked to be added and I will take care of it. There is no charge; expenses are underwritten by my Patreon supporters.

          The blog series on marriage resumes next Monday. See you then.


  1. Is this series going to become a book?

    1. I have no plans to write/publish it as a book, no. It may become a blog series, but I'm not even sure about that. Too soon to tell.

    2. hmm, somebody forgot to sign in LOL ;-)

  2. hmm, somebody forgot to sign in LOL ;-)
