After three years of work, my third book is finally here. Freed From Sin, A Primer on Holiness is, as the title suggests, an exploration of what holiness is and is not as well as a scriptural manual on how to grow into it. You can find it here on Amazon in paperback, hardback, or Kindle. It is also available on Nook for Barnes and Noble and Apple's iTunes bookstore. It is not a little book, and I do not apologize for that. I have no interest in being another source of independent Baptist fluff. Its forty-nine chapters spread over 438 pages are divided into eight sections discussing and applying nearly 1,000 Scripture references. Below are some quotes from the introduction and foreword as well as some recommendations from pre-release readers.
I have not written it because I think it will sell; in fact, I doubt it will. Who reads entire books about holiness these days? I have written it because it cries to be written. I have written it because God's people in this generation are under what is perhaps a fiercer assault of the devil than any generation has ever been. I have written it because the truths I learned changed my life foundationally, philosophically, and practically; and that change was for the better. In short, I have written it to help you because the truths in it have helped me so very much.
-Tom Brennan, Foreword, Freed From Sin
In Freed
From Sin Tom Brennan has written another excellent book. In this timeless
tome he tackles the subject of holiness. His solid doctrinal foundation, his
personal transparency, his clear, easily readable style of writing, and his
practical applications make this an extremely valuable book. I am very glad to
recommend it.
-R. B. Oullette, Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Michigan
Pastor Tom Brennan is a gifted
communicator and writer and God has given him the ability to take difficult
material and bring it down so all of us can comprehend and understand. His past
book, Schizophrenic, A Diagnosis of the
Independent Baptist Movement was straight forward and dealt squarely and
fairly with both the strengths and weaknesses of the independent Baptist movement
of the twenty and twenty-first century. This work on holiness is sure to be a
classic of our day! The need for holiness in this generation is huge. The need
for holiness in each our lives as believers is great, and we are commanded by
God to be holy. Reading this book will help develop a consciousness of this matter. Hopefully it
will create the desire in each of us to keep working on developing holiness in the fear of God.
Folger, Pastor Emeritus, Cleveland Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio
You will get the sense that every sentence
in Freed From Sin has been thought
through; consequently, this places an expectation on you, its reader. It will
both demand and command your concentration. And in era of thirty second
commercials and even shorter sound bites, this should be welcomed. If you are big into “snow” (teachers who
assign research papers from their students will catch this analogy), head to
Manitoba. There is none to find here. At no point in reading this book did I
get the sense I was reading “filler” material.
All the same, this book is readable.
Despite its intensity, it is not a dissertation. I believe that not only is it
readable, its contents are teachable. I foresee its use in Sunday schools,
sermon series, teen class lessons and discussions, family devotions, even talks
between father and son as they drive down the road together. Getting Christians
to talk about the holiness of God and its adjacent truth - the holy living of
God’s children that is demanded by it - would be a welcome development in our
churches, schools, youth groups, and homes.
-Dan Armacost, Dean of Students, Fairhaven Baptist College, Chesterton, Indiana
Introduction, Freed From Sin