Saturday, May 6, 2023

Would You Consider Supporting Brennan's Pen?

Through the years Brennan's Pen has grown substantially. Directly and indirectly, with it I minister to hundreds of pastors, missionaries, professors, Bible college students, and local church leaders around the world. Whether it is a brief selection from a book I have been reading, or a blog article I have written, an audio sermon I have preached, or a personal interaction with a reader, I send out nearly 15,000 emails a month. Those emails contain completely free content. In addition, each year I offer a select number of online classes via the Zoom platform. These classes teach in-depth subjects, and I charge nothing for them. 

The problem that has arisen as this ministry has grown is simple. Providing this much free content on this wide of a scale has begun to cost me more and more time and money. I view this as a ministry, not a money-making opportunity. I have never charged for any of it. I am not a life coach or church consultant; I am a servant. But the cost of providing such a ministry to so many people is a growing one. If you see value in a ministry to local church leaders like this, and you would be willing to help me bear the cost of doing so I would be grateful for your support. 

As a way of saying thank you for helping me in this I want to offer my patrons two unique things. The first is access to the digital files of all the quotes I have sent out over the last twelve years. These files contain 3,500 selections from hundreds of books about theology and ministry. The quotes are organized into more than 500 categories by subject and more are being added daily. The second unique thing available only to patrons is access to my organized sermon notes. These are not notes to stand alone sermons. They are the notes to in-depth series I have preached over the years, expository series, biographical series, doctrinal series, subject studies, Bible institute curriculum, etc. There are detailed notes for more than 1,200 messages available with more being added regularly.

If any of this interests you - supporting Brennan's Pen as it ministers to local church leaders, and/or receiving access to the quotes or sermon files - I would simply ask you to consider signing up for a monthly subscription. I am not asking for a certain amount, though I do send a gift to each person who subscribes at the $5 level. What I do ask to you to decide is how valuable you think this is and support it at that level. Patreon is a widely reputable organization, and your financial information will be kept secure. To join simply click the orange "Become a patron" button above. It will take you to my Patreon page where you can sign up by clicking the same button there.

To the sixty or so of you who currently support Brennan's Pen, my warmest gratitude. To all of you, thank you for your consideration.

Tom Brennan

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