Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Sunday School Teacher: Introduction

 Note: The past two books I have published began as blog series and later were edited/expanded and published as books. In the case of this series, I am planning to do so upfront. In other words, what you will read on my blog over the balance of the next year is a serialized book. As I complete sections, I will post them on this blog. Eventually, it will be published as a book. 

The Sunday School Teacher 1, Introduction

I must confess something right here at the outset. I was tempted to title this book "Making Sunday School Great Again." I have not, primarily because this is not a book about organizing, promoting, or building a great Sunday School. I do not know how to write that book, and others in previous generations have already written it better than I could. Yet, in a sense, I am still tempted by that title, for in helping you to become a better teacher, the result will absolutely be a great Sunday School. Class. As Lee Roberson said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” Your Sunday School class will rise or fall on you.

          …which is why you picked up this book, is it not? Perhaps I should say why this book was handed to you. Perhaps you have a desire to become a better Sunday School teacher, or perhaps someone else has that desire for you. I am grateful either way. God is honored when we seek to improve our usefulness for Him. While nothing will increase your ability to teach like actively teaching, it is also true that your teaching skills can be sharpened by studying a book like this. Like your students, you will encounter information you had not previously known, take ownership of that information, and then change your life. In the process, you may well help the lost to be saved and the saved to be edified. And if that happens, I am amply repaid for my labors.

          Having established that my desire is to perfect you for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 2.19) and that your desire is to be perfected, let us turn now to how this book intends to do that.

On these pages, you will find three sections. First, there is the spiritual aspect of teaching Sunday School. While some teaching disciplines cross schools, teaching the Bible to people is definitively a spiritual process. In this section, we will examine the history and necessity of Sunday School, the primacy of teaching, the superiority of the traditional Sunday School over the trend of small groups, seek to answer whether you have the gift of teaching, expound on the qualifications necessary to teach, emphasize the spiritual purposes of Sunday School, explain how to be a spiritually powerful teacher, look at Christ as our example in teaching, and close with a discussion of the Sunday School teacher’s best aide, the Holy Spirit.

Second, we will examine the philosophy behind teaching as a craft. Drawing primarily from other men's work here, I will seek to show you how the teacher, the learner, the language, the lesson, the teaching process, the learning process, and the review all intersect to produce excellent teaching. We will close this section with a discussion of the proper mental approach a teacher needs, how to become a long-term teacher, the appropriate approach for an assistant teacher, whether team teaching is valid, and the benefits that fill a Sunday School teacher’s life.

Third, we will turn to the practical. How do you choose what to teach? How do you write a lesson plan? How do you emphasize specific applications? How do you build a relationship with your students? How do you create a class spirit? How do you get your students involved? How do you grow your class? How do you maintain control? How can you successfully tailor your teaching to little children, young children, older children, young teenagers, older teenagers, single adults, young married couples, mature Christians, a men's class, a women's class, etc.? How do you get the students to study at home during the week? How do you build a culture of Bible memorization? How should illustrations be used in your teaching? What about record keeping? Prayerfully, you will find help to deal with subjects such as these and more.

My overall intent is to keep each chapter or section of a chapter relatively short. I want you to be able to read this in quick snatches of time here and there throughout the week. I want it to provoke thought, yes, but more so to move you to action. I want you to consciously try something new each week or month over the next year. I want you to grow as you internalize what you read and gradually begin to put it into practice. I want your capacity and ability as a teacher to expand. I want you to be more useful to the Lord and more edifying to your students.

Finally, a brief word about sources. A number of good books are available that touch on different aspects of Sunday School, including teaching. I gathered several of them. As I read, I culled them for helpful ideas and applications, many of which have found their way into this work. I will list them for you below. In bold are the ones I found more helpful than not. 


-Spiritual Power in Your Teaching, Roy B. Zuck, Moody Press, 1963, 188 pages

-The Seven Laws of Teaching, John Milton Gregory, Baker Books, 2003, 128 pages

-The Sunday School In Action, Clarence H. Benson, The Bible Institute Colportage Association, 1941, 327 pages

-The Successful Sunday School and Teachers Guidebook, Elmer Towns, Creation House, 1980, 400 pages

-What Every Sunday School Teacher Should Know, Elmer L. Towns, Gospel Light, 2001, 180 pages

-Youth and the Church, Roy G. Irving and Roy B. Zuck, Moody Press, 1972, 442 pages

-Mentoring and Modeling, Dr. John Goetsch and Dr. Mark Rasmussen, Striving Together Publications, 2002, 199 pages

-101 Tips For Teaching, Mark Rasmussen, Striving Together Publications, 2007, 205 pages

-Building A Standard Sunday School, Arthur Flake, The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1934, 171 pages

-World's Largest Junior Church, Dr. Jim Vineyard, self-published, 1981, 133 pages

-Teachers That Teach, Amos R. Wells, The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1924, 138 pages

-Biblical Youth Work, Jim Krohn, self-published, 2005, 355 pages

-May I Suggest; For Parents and Leaders of Teens, Thomas J. Vogel, Bird Publishing Company, 2000, 224 pages

-Teaching Sunday School Teachers to Teach, Dr. Jeff Owens, Owens Publications, 2012, 223 pages             


You can be an outstanding Sunday School teacher. Together, let us turn the page and learn how.