Sunday, May 13, 2018

Praised, Yet Awful: A Review of Philip Yancey's What's So Amazing About Grace?

Grace 14

In my discussion earlier in this series of Paul's seminal Whats_So_Amazing_About_Gracestatement, Ye are not under the law, but under grace I mentioned Philip Yancey's influential book, "What's So Amazing About Grace?" I alluded to the fact that it, along with a few other original works and a whole bunch of copycats, have twisted much of American Christianity's concept of grace into something wholly unrecognizable to our forefathers. In so saying, I am not overstating its influence.

For example, it is praised by religious leaders as diverse as Larry Crabb, Brennan Manning (no surprise there), J. I. Packer, Jill Briscoe, Jim Wallis, Gordon MacDonald, Charles Colson, and the Irish rocker Bono. Tony Campolo said, "There are huge amounts of sermon material here." (No surprise there either.) Robert Seiple said, "This is beyond a doubt the very best book I have read from a Christian author in my life." Robert Jeffress said that it "did a valuable service by rescuing the doctrine of grace from the legalists." It was awarded Book of the Year by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association in 1998, and in 2006 was named as the seventeenth most influential book on Christianity Today's list of works that have shaped evangelicalism the most. Never mind the dizzying array of contradictory theological positions held by those listed in this paragraph, and how ashamed I would be if all of them praised any work of mine, let us simply agree that selling more than 15 million copies of any religious book in ten years, as this book did, qualifies as influential.

Censor-the-bible1If it is so praised why do I assert that it is awful? Let us start with the fact that for a book that purports to bring us back to a scriptural view of grace there is an appalling paucity of Scripture in it. Yancey unabashedly emphasizes this in his own introduction. "I have just read a thirteen-page treatise on grace in the New Catholic Encyclopedia, which has cured me of any desire to dissect grace and display its innards. I do not want the thing to die. For this reason, I will rely more on stories than syllogisms. In sum, I would far rather display grace than explain it."

In choosing this course Yancey does two things. First, he makes his book much more readable and thus popular. Second, and far more importantly, he writes a book almost entirely untethered from the Word of God. Yancey does an emotionally entertaining job of telling us what he wants grace to be, and a spiritually wretched job of telling us what God said grace actually is and does. It takes him forty-two pages to quote the first Bible verse. In the entirety of the book he never takes a verse, let alone a passage, and systematically explores its words, context, and flow of thought to tell us what God says about grace. Needless to say, he does not examine contrasting thoughts either. He examines nothing and reveals less of God's Word on the subject.

Curiously enough, while studiously avoiding the Scriptures, he manages to favorably quote any number of theologically sketchy characters. Roman Catholic theologians such as Romano Guardini and Brennan Manning? Check. Mystics such as John of the Cross and Bernard? Check. Intellectuals such as Mark Twain and Anthony Hecht? Check. Neo-orthodox Europeans such as Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer? Check. To add insult to injury, he purposely chooses to use both Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa as wonderful examples of grace.

The previous paragraph does not mark Yancey as wicked. It Pope_John_Paul_II_in_St_Peters_Square_circa_1978_Credit___LOsservatore_Romano_CNA_6_16_15does, however, mark him as severely lacking in discernment and seriously doctrinally deficient. Why conservative Christians let alone independent Baptists would look to such a man to explain and expound the Word of God is a mystery to me.

If his book does not come from Scripture where does it come from? I believe it was birthed out of a reaction to his own conservative/fundamentalist Southern upbringing. He mentions it often in the book and makes no bones that he found his home church experience wretched. In some sense Yancey is right to be appalled. The deacons of his home church patrolled the entrances to ensure no African-Americans made their way in. But in reacting against error Yancey makes the same mistake I have seen numerous acquaintances of mine make – he throws the baby out with the bathwater. At a dead run, he heads from the ditch of a harsh, racist religious upbringing to the ditch of license on the other side of the road. In the process he is highly critical of rules of any kind, and especially those of his youth forbidding rock music, alcohol, short skirts, and long hair. Those are, in his words, "pettiness", signs of a religion with no grace.

Do you begin to see his influence? The problem with Yancey, however, is much worse than that, much worse. It is not just about where Yancey was when he wrote the book, and how your friends use its arguments to overthrow their own long-held beliefs, it is even more about where Yancey's concept of grace leads, about what it produces years down the road. For example, the church here in Chicago where he served as an assistant so long believes nothing, is against nothing but taking a stand. But even more egregiously, Yancey's embrace of "grace" toward homosexuality is revelatory indeed.

mel_gary_30th_anniversaryIn the book, now twenty years old, he unabashedly promotes the homosexual Mel White as a wonderful example of Christian grace and love vs the evil, intolerant Christians who insist on shouting about doctrine. An emphasis on doctrine is "hatred" while Mel, on the other hand, evidences "a graceful spirit." Yancey likens preaching against homosexuality to the preaching against social drinking he heard in his youth, preaching that he clearly views as petty, legalistic, and beneath the spirit of Christ.

Remember, though, it is not just about where Yancey is when he writes this book, though that is bad enough. It is about where his concept of grace is going, and where it is going to take you. On his own website today on a page discussing his views of homosexuality he gives us these little gems. "In my relationship with Mel White, I have to remind myself that it’s not my job to present the absolutely proper, balanced viewpoint of the church." Somehow, after reading his book, I do not think Yancey even balances his checkbook. But I digress. Or there is this: "I intentionally don't take sides on this issue." And this: "I feel no need to represent a balanced viewpoint myself. So I don't take an official position. I simply try to love the gay individuals I know and bring a little grace and mercy to a church that puts this particular sin – if indeed it is that – in a special category." And this: "When it gets to particular matters of policy, like ordaining gay and lesbian minsters, I'm confused, like a lot of people."
I could go on in the same vein but I risk you thinking this blog post is about homosexuality. It is not. It is about where the wrong view of grace leads. It leads to repentance eliminated in favor of tolerance and forgiveness cheapened into permission. In a word, it leads to grace no longer being grace but rather being acceptance. Yancey can deny it all he wants, and your now-contemporary-used-to-be-fundamentalist friends can do the same. Their denials fade to the echoes of a whisper when confronted with their actions. What you believe changes how you live, and what you read changes what you believe.
You might want to think long and hard about that before ingesting what passes for classic discussions of grace in our day. No matter how many copies the guy has sold or how many famous religious leaders recommend it.


  1. Amen!
    Such a neeeded warning concerning this truly dangerous book

    1. Dangerous? Thats a little much

  2. Very thoughtful words that bring light. I appreciate your honesty and biblical approach to truthful critique. Well said.

    1. Unfortunately anyone can (and most churches do) make the bible say whatever it wants. Whats so Amazing about Grace is an amazing book when read in the correct context

  3. Thanks Bro. Tom. As a Southern Baptist who believes the Bible (KJV) we find it increasingly more difficult to tow the line of what is happening in our denomination. Grace to me is a most beloved doctrine that creates in me the desire to be holy. It saddens me to see this wonderful teaching from God's Word prostituted as a catch phrase to allow anything into the church or one's spiritual life. I have often contemplated jumping ship, but where would I go. The Independent Baptist that I have been acquainted with are arrogant and filled with pride. I am with them in their doctrine, but repulsed by their attitude. In reading your blog, I have not found this in you. God bless you as you handle the truth of God's Word.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I shall refrain from preaching at you about being in the SBC. Apparently, the Holy Spirit already is. (There's a grin here, obviously.)

      Seriously, I will take a moment and ask the Lord to lead you. Glad in some small way to be a blessing to you.

    2. If you mingle with multiple groups of people and find fault in all of them, then you may be the problem. Unfortunately Christianity and its teachings are very open to interpretation (hence so many different denominations presenting a version of the truth that they say is Bible based) PY approaches the topic of Grace with a lot of Grace (pun intended) Wrestle with it - Sure (he will love it) but dont miss the chance to read this great book

  4. A well-written critique, Tom. I had Yancey's book on my radar, but it seems you may have relieved me of needing to read it.

    By the by, the interwebs keep eating my comments. I hope this one makes it.

    1. Its an incredible book. Every Christian should read it The above is opinion. A fair one but still an opinion.

  5. My pastor JD GREEAR has aligned himself with Philip Yancy because if this current national crisis. I decided google PY because I (and many in our congregation) have been very concerned with recent stands, alliances, decisions....this article further cements our decision to leave this church. Thank you for standing strong in the 1 area that never changes...Gods infallible word, the scriptures.
    Praying that you are still of this mindset.

    1. I am. My opinion has not changed.

      I am sorry to hear of the direction of the Southern Baptist Convention. I wish you well.

    2. There are a million demonintations in the world with a million different interpretations of scripture. They all claim their interpretation is Bible based. Whats so Amazing about Grace is well worth the lead. Phillip Yancey shouldnt be "worshipped" Or a church adopt all his views. Still a great book

  6. I stumbled across Yancey's website while looking for info on fishkeeping, of all th seings!
    The tone of the "about" page and the fawning (fake?) comments led me to conclude that he is extremely prideful and hungry for adulation.

  7. Sunday school bible study book in a church I am visiting. Just couldn't get into his book and then the holy spirit swayed me from reading past Chapter 2. And I read 72 books in a yr. Thanks for a truthful review.

  8. Couldnt get past Chapter2

  9. This is an incredibly disappointing review. It speaks of a person who believes that all issues are Black and White (and that either one is either correct or incorrect). As is the problem in 2024 generally that within a certain context his review may have grains of truth. Am I biased? Sure. I love the writings of Phillip Yancey. Do I think he is invalibe? Absolutely not. I would be very interested if the author of this review can admit to his biases as this review is not really objective at all and in fact paints a picture of subjectivity motivated by underlying beliefs. It is an essay that demonstrates his belief and is not a balanced commentary on a great book. Like all writings Whats so amazing about grace can be used as motivation for good and bad. In the right context it can challenge the "salvation by works" beliefs many Christians have, with the wrong interpretation it may bolden the person who beliefs "anything goes" For me it was the correct book at the right time. Reading the above has made me more grateful that before that I did read it.

  10. (Graeme). A good review. I had already read another book of his called “The Jesus I Never Knew” and found it heretical. He doesn’t get beyond the natural reasoning mind, and never gets to the assurance that being born again brings. He cannot discern anything wrong about the dogma of the R. C. Church, and he is influenced by a host of writers that I would call false teachers. This book on Grace is equally as bad. He talks about dispensing grace through the sacraments and that you can have grace “on tap”. If you get on well with someone of a different view that is grace, and if you have a falling out, that is “ungrace”. This makes a mockery of the unmerited nature of true biblical grace. On the other hand he thinks grace can be bestowed without the consequence of sin being preached. Therefore he denies repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Stay in your sins is OK with Yancey.
