Saturday, February 10, 2024

Marriage: In Introduction


Marriage 1



          May I speak freely? I suppose I may since it is my blog and all. I have long hesitated to write about the subject I will be addressing for the balance of the coming year. Although I have been married for 24 years, I do not at all feel like an expert in this area. The truth is I am a recipient in my marriage not only of the rich grace of God but of unfailing grace from my wife. Often, I feel like I am standing in the most enormous room in existence, the room for improvement. As such, please be gentle in your mind with me as you read this year. The last thing I assay to be considered is an expert on marriage.

          I am conscious of two other things at the same time. The first is that I have been the beneficiary of a wealth of instruction on the subject. My parents have modeled a Christ-like marriage for nearly sixty years and are still going strong. Mandy and I have been privileged to attend numerous marriage retreats through these years. Additionally, I have read, I suppose, an even two dozen books, if nor more, on the subject.

          In addition to this, it is patently evident to me that the devil is attacking marriage as an institution more fiercely than he ever has, in my opinion. The gender perversions of our day are an attack on marriage. Pornography is an attack on marriage. The two-income home and the materialism of our culture is an attack on marriage. The feminist movement is an attack on marriage. The rise of cohabitation rates is an attack on marriage. The sexual revolution, ongoing now for decades, is an attack on marriage. Mainstream cultural portrayals of the institution, such as those from Hollywood, are cumulatively an attack on marriage. The Supreme Court decision legalizing homosexual marriage is an attack on marriage. Added to this is the human flesh each husband and wife carry into their partnership; our selfishness attacks our marriage at every opportunity.

          In view of these last two paragraphs, I have decided to overrule the hesitations I described in the first paragraph. As such, I will attempt to synthesize some of the wealth of instruction I have received so as to minister to your marriage or your upcoming marriage, as the case may be. My desire in this is not to lecture you from the platform of my marriage but rather to come alongside you and edify you in your marriage.  

          Now, then, a brief word on sources. I desire to credit every author who's work I will cite or use. I have learned by experience that I am fallible in such things. Much of what I will give you over the next seven or eight months is gleaned from thoughtful men and women who have come before me.

Here are the books I have found profitable in this discussion:

The Smart Stepfamily, Ron Deal

Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas

The Christian  Home, Clarence Sexton

Home, Courtship, Marriage, Children, John R. Rice

Created To Be His Help Meet, Debi Pearl

When Sinners Say I Do, Dave Harvey

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, John Gray

When Risque Is Okay, Clint Caviness

Romance in Marriage, Bob and JoBeth Hooker

God’s Wisdom For Marriage & the Home, Scott Markle

          Here are the books I have found most profitable, that I have returned to, used, and recommended again and again:

Love & Respect, Emerson Eggerichs

The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman

The Ministry of Marriage, Jim Binney

A Promise Kept, Robertson McQuilkin

          As I close this introductory post for this series, may I gently encourage you in one area? In the opening paragraph, I expressed my hesitation in writing this. While I am not claiming thus to be humble, I do think it would do you as much good to embrace humility about your marriage while you read as it will do me to embrace humility about my marriage as I write. Let us be students together. May God consequently draw each of us closer and deeper into the beautiful relationship that is our marriage.




  1. Very much looking forward to this. Thank you, sir!

  2. I was married for 25 years and then my husband was stricken with brain cancer. He got saved 2 weeks before God called him home. I wish we had had things like this available to us. Maybe there was, but being lost we didn't know about it. Praise God for men who are faithful and willing to serve God in this way to share with others.
