could it be that God appeared to be using him so marvelously and yet he was so
thoroughly evil so long?
we confuse spiritual gifts with spirituality.
There are about twenty specific local
churches mentioned by name in the New Testament. Out of these twenty most would
agree that the single weakest church was the Corinthian church. Paul wrote many
epistles to churches describing in detail their strengths and weaknesses. Acts
reveals to us the inner workings of some of the early churches. John in Revelation painstakingly and clearly
diagnoses the strengths and weaknesses of seven churches. Yet it remains the
dubious distinction of the Corinthian church to bear the brunt of being labeled
as the most carnal church described in the Scriptures. The Corinthian church
could be called many things but spiritual was not one of them.

Later, in I Corinthians, Paul devotes
a considerable amount of attention to the misapplication of the Corinthian
church’s spiritual gifts. If I may say so, the Corinthian church had a
veritable plethora of spiritual gifts in action with a veritable paucity of
What is the lesson here for us? It is
indeed possible to be exercising God given spiritual gifts in His service
without even having much spirituality while doing so.
We all know this is not only possible,
but all too often probably the case. That special number that just blessed your
heart with thoughts of heaven? The spiritual gift may well have been exercised
while pride of performance occupied chief place in the soloist’s heart. That
soul winner in your church who repeatedly wins large numbers of souls to
Christ? It might be that gifts which in secular society would lead to many
sales are being used in God’s service but with just as little real spirituality
behind them as is evident in a used car salesman. That woman in the church you
always ask to host the missionary because she does an absolutely stunning job?
Perhaps the gift of hospitality is mingled with Martha’s resentment and wrong
priorities. The revival meeting that resulted in flooded altars and weeping
reconciliations? Perhaps the evangelist in question, while exercising his
spiritual gifts well, has been nursing a root of bitterness and resentment
against a previous pastor for a minute love offering.
The result intended here is not that you
become suspicious of everybody in your life whom God is using to edify you. The
result intended is that we better understand the clear distinction between
spiritual gifts and spirituality. One does not necessarily always accompany the
other. They should, and there is no acceptable excuse why they do not, but we
must often admit such is the case.
Scripture teaches us that the gifts
and calling of God are without repentance. (Romans 11:29) God no more takes
back a preacher’s speaking ability when he backslides than He does take back
his salvation. They are both spiritual gifts and as such are permanent. The
spiritual gift, however, can certainly be exercised in the absence of a true
heart for God. This is demonstrated by the Corinthian church, Scriptural
examples such as Samson, historical testimony, and our own sorely purchased
Forgive this next illustration but I
have on occasion watched Jay Leno’s ability to move a crowd to laughter so
effortlessly. He has an undeniable gift. The rare politician who actually
speaks from his heart and soul instead of reading from a teleprompter often
rises to great heights. The passion and effectiveness of such men’s gifts has
led me to wonder whether God created them to pastor some church and they never
answered the call. They were gifted by God, but certainly are not using those
gifts to spiritual ends, or with a heart tender toward God.
is the case with men who appear to be accomplishing great things for God while
all the while becoming evil in the midst of the congregation. They
practiced their spiritual gifts effectively without the spirituality that ought
to accompany such exercise.
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