Monday, April 17, 2017

What is Love?

Poetry 3

I do not speak about this publicly very often but I went through a lengthy period of depression as a young person. In retrospect it was actually good for me for a number of different reasons. One of those reasons is that it developed in me an appreciation for poetry. Out of that appreciation grew a desire to write some of my own. From time to time in this blog I will bring you one or two of those. Today is one of those times. 

What is Love?

What is love? 
Love is not like. 
Love is not lust. 
Love is not infatuation. 
Love is not passion. 
Love is not a feeling. 
Love is an attitude.

Love goes deeper than lust, passion, like, or infatuation. 
Love is an attitude.

I work on a bus route. 
I love my bus kids. 
That doesn't mean that I always like my bus kids. 
That doesn't mean I always feel love for them, but I love them.
Love is an attitude.

Why isn't love a feeling?
Because feelings come and go.
Love isn't a feeling but love has feeling. 
People confuse the feelings of love for love itself.
There are times when feelings of love will leave, but if it's true love the love remains.
Love is an attitude.

-Tom Brennan, A Teenager's Heart
December 14, 1988


  1. I have completed listening to your Life of Christ series and found it inspirational, encouraging, convicting, heart warming, insightful and again convicting. Thank you for sharing. The historical insights you provided brought the stories to life in a way that was new and fresh even though I had heard them a million times before. Thank you! =)

  2. Well, that warms my heart.

    You're welcome.
