Sunday, July 7, 2024

Wife, Submit to Your Husband

 Marriage 20



          A godly wife submits to her husband. This is an exceedingly unpopular view of a wife's role in today's society. Still, as we discussed earlier in this series, we are not to get our view of marriage from society. Instead, we ought to inculcate it from the Word of God. It is to the Scriptures that I turn today. In them, we find several references to a wife submitting to her husband. Let us briefly examine them to discover what we can learn.

          First, we see that a wife’s submission to her husband came about as a result of the Fall. Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule  over thee. (Genesis 3.16) Make no mistake, women are not alone cursed as a result of sin. Men are, too. A man's curse revolves around the necessity of work to fight off a perpetual, never-ending financial insecurity he is never free of this side of the grave. A woman's curse is two-fold, as we see in this passage. First, she experiences sorrow and lives with a life-long concern for her children. Second, she is now placed in a position of submission in her marriage. I argued earlier in this series that a wife has great influence, but that influence is balanced by authority, an authority carried by her husband alone.

          Second, we see that a wife does not merely submit to her husband; she submits through her husband to the Lord. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. (Ephesians 5.22) Consequently, you are not in submission to God, no matter how much you know and do spiritually than your husband, if you are not in submission to your husband.

          Whoever bears the authority bears the responsibility also. Truman famously had a plaque on his desk that said, "The buck stops here." Your husband, not you, bears the responsibility for your family's actions and direction before God. In other words, you are not responsible for him; you are responsible to him. Many a wife of my acquaintance feels it is her job to practically be her husband's mother, or failing that, at the least, his conscience. Such a view is a failure to understand where the responsibility lies.

          Put another way round, you are responsible to him, but more so through Him to God. Your task is to submit to your husband and thus follow his leadership. Your husband's task is to submit to God and thus follow His leadership. Ergo, your husband is thus held responsible by God for his family's spiritual direction and actions.

          Long ago, one wag said it this way: submission is the fine art of ducking so God hits your husband. Since the blow will not be landing on you, the authority and responsibility do not rest on you either. Thus, in submitting to your husband's rule, you fulfill your duties to God. How can He have a problem with you in the result?

          Let us say, for example, that your husband wants to leave your church, and you do not. You should express your opinion that you desire to stay openly with him, but pair that with an explanation that you will follow him no matter what he decides. Then do it. When you conduct yourself in such a matter, you are obeying the Lord's directive for your life. The responsibility before God for the good or bad result of the decision at hand thus rests with your husband, for you have fulfilled what God intended for you.

          Alternatively, let us say for the moment that you want to leave your church, but your husband does not. You express your opinion that you desire to leave openly and frankly to him. He disagrees. You nag, bother, berate, and insist until he gives in, even though he does think it is wise and does not want to. If and when it comes from God, the blow will land on both of you, him because he failed to lead and you because you failed to follow.

          In simplest terms, you are submitting to God when you submit to your husband.

          Third, a wife’s model in this is the way the church submits to Jesus Christ. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. (Ephesians 5.24) We see a thorough submission here, literally in everything. At the same time, this thorough submission is not without the expression of your own request or opinion. Does not the church pray? Is that not, by definition, conveying its requests to the Lord? Of course. But once the Lord makes His will plainly known, the only acceptable response on the part of the church is obedience.

          If you can find room in this passage to refuse your husband, nag him to death, and whine until you get what you want, I shudder to think what your concept of church is like. On the other hand, just as with a church, a warm, sweet, intimate, joyous relationship blossoms when the bride submits in faith and good cheer to the groom.

          Fourth, a wife is to submit to her own husband. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. (Colossians 3.18) There may well be other men who exercise some authority over you in other areas of life, i.e., your boss at work, your pastor at church, and the policeman in the community. But what they say should never override what your husband says, nor should you ever grant them the same entire submission you grant him. Follow a designated authority in that authority’s sphere? Yes. Grant them the same blanket pledge of submission in all things? No.

          Fifth, a wife’s submission is designed to be a powerful force in drawing the husband closer to the Lord. Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they may also without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. (I Peter 3.1) When you seek to follow your husband as the church follows Christ, i.e., cheerfully, in faith, thoroughly, and immediately, one would assume that the lost husband's reaction would be one of pride, arrogance, control, and bluster. And some do react in such a manner. I propose to you that such men are simply indicating their own insecurity in their leadership in the home. On the other hand, when a husband truly knows and feels that his wife trusts him and God in her submission, the opposite effect is produced. He develops an expanded sense of responsibility for her and to God. This, in turn, drives him to make careful, scriptural, spiritual decisions for his family. A godly wife's submission to her ungodly husband is a powerful force pulling him toward Christ.

          Lastly, this scriptural model of marital submission makes the wife look beautiful. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands. (I Peter 3.5) This verse summarizes the entire teaching of submission. Holy, as in a wife cannot be holy if she is not submissive. Trusted in God, as in her submission is through her husband to God, trusting in God to take care of her and hold her husband accountable. Their own husbands, as in marital submission is not to every man. The result of this is visible to all and sundry. Adorn themselves, as in making themselves look good. Women spend countless hours of time, dollars of money, and bucketloads of worry and effort seeking to beautify themselves and gain attention. Some of these things, in a proper place, are even appropriate. Yet a woman who scripturally submits to her husband has adorned herself with beauty long before she lays a brush upon her cheek.

          Any woman, or man for that matter, reading this is certainly welcome to disagree with me. As I have written this, I am conscious that for all the care I have taken, I could have worded something better here or there. I do not want to be unbalanced or to influence marriages in an unbalanced manner. But having said that, I am absolutely sure I am not mistaken about the primary point in question. Submission is not about the man's native intelligence or, power or glory. It has nothing to do with that. It is all about obeying the Lord.

          Wife, obey the Lord; submit to your husband. This may not be society's way anymore, but it is the way, for it is God's way. And when you stand before God you will be grateful you have obeyed Him in this, as in all things.     

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